Scented Wrapping Paper Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
“It’s the thought that counts” is a terrible excuse for a gift that has missed the mark, especially when you could convey so much more with wrapping paper that emanates the smell of your best intentions.
Who, after all, is going to question your best efforts when they arrive cloaked in the celebratory and sincere aroma of freshly baked beans, sliced chiles or a seven-layer taco? No one, that’s who.
In fact, if you are still shrouding your gifts, products or promotional swag in randomly decorated paper that smells like… well, nothing – we have literally hundreds of ways for you to make a better first impression, with wrapping paper that stands out from the competition like a freshly baked birthday cake or a summer breeze.
Trust us: nothing says [your message here] like the smell of freshly sliced/baked/brewed/washed [your signature scent here.]
Wake Up and Smell the ROI: The Power of Scent Marketing
From line-dried laundry to freshly mown grass, to the laid-back tropical ahhh of a beachfront pina colada, high-quality scents added to your wrapping paper or other packaging are a multisensory introduction that sets the mood of your choosing and creates a memorable on-brand experience for your prospects and customers.
That’s why the smell of everything is popping up everywhere gifts are given, and products are wrapped, elevating the opening act into a treat unto itself. Why limit your presentation to what’s inside when you can amp up the reception by wrapping the entire experience in the aroma of sizzling bacon?
From your signature scent to an on-brand vibe, scent has the power to set a mood or evoke a feeling in a uniquely direct way. There’s a reason that Taco Bell Crunchwrap fans clamored to buy up the entire supply of taco-scented wrapping paper in 48 hours and it’s as plain as the nose on your face. Also, there is literally nothing that is not improved by the addition of shredded cheese.
Smell What We Can Do for Your Brand
To learn how you can put the power of scent to work for your brand promotion, product or packaging, contact a member of the H&H team. You can also get started by reviewing some of our more than 800 available scents here.
Don’t see what you’re pining for? We can create it. From the musty smell of old moose droppings to the leathery promise of that new car smell, the R&D team at H&H Graphics has created one-of-a-kind scented promotions for some of the strangest and most innovative brand campaigns you can imagine.