“Even Better If…” Special Effects Audit

Brand managers often love our special effects but aren’t clear on how to apply them to current products and new initiatives in order to increase consumer engagement in unique and fun ways, increase product sales and maximize their print spend ROI (return on investment).

That is why we offer our “Even Better If…” Special Effects Audit, so that your next project will be Anything but Ordinary

What’s Included

For qualified prospects, we will come onsite and review all of your current retail packaging, POP displays, advertising, direct mail, and any other relevant printed pieces, as well as new initiatives in the idea or design phase.

We will apply our extensive experience with UV, aqueous and conventional coatings/finishes. We will identify how to create increased consumer engagement that appeals to the right combination of sight, smell and touch that extends and enhances your brand.

For those who really challenge us, anything is possible: we’ll take ideas back to our award-winning R&D team to determine new, custom solutions.

Our audit includes a written report with findings and relevant samples (if available). There’s no return without investment and special effects initially add cost to projects – costs that pay for themselves with an impressive ROI in the long run, but we understand that you may need help convincing others in your organization of this, and our report is very useful way to do so.

Direct Mail Example

“Even Better If…” (Marriott Direct Mail) | H&H Graphics

We received a direct mail piece from Marriott promoting summer vacation ideas. The mailer did a good job by using textured spot printing for the sand so the piece engages multiple senses.

However, it could have been much better in a few different ways…

Raised UV Texture

The texture of the sand was raised slightly but it was fairly smooth so it didn’t feel like sand. Had they used raised UV screen printing, they could have opted for a higher profile for the sand. We could have also printed it with more granularity, so it would feel more like the actual coarseness of sand.

Scented Printing

The addition of scents for the sand, as well as the surf, would have made a stronger impression by engaging a third sense: smell. In fact, engaging smell in a printed piece could have provide a much stronger connection to past beach vacations because of the neuroscience and psychology involved.

Catalog Printing

The catalog that came inside the mailer was disappointing by comparison with the envelope. While there were many bright and appealing photos, they weren’t printed with any special effects. They could have gone with high gloss for the water, scents for the food, texture for the dolphins, and glitter for stars.

Inline Flexographic vs. Special Effects Screen Printing

The Marriott mailer appears to have the textured printing done inline, perhaps on a flexoprinter. Commercial printers like to add textured printing all in one pass instead of sending us sheets to print on a silkscreen. However, because we can higher profile textures, add scent, create a courser feel more consistent with sand, and we can print anywhere on the mailer. Yes, it costs a bit more and takes a little more time, but it likely would’ve gotten more attention with a lot less being tossed into the trash…

Advertising Example

Even Better If... (Bath & Body Works) | H&H Graphics

The ad to the right is enticing – bright colors and beautiful photography, yet we think, it would be Even Better If… it appealed to multiple senses, not just the eyes.

What if we could smell candles?! Bath & Body Works is, after all, selling SCENTED products including hand lotions, soaps and candles. Their scents are an integral part of their brand, which is why we can all identify their fresh, clean scents as we pass one of their retail locations. Their scents draw us in.

For just a few additional pennies of investment, this could have been a home-run marketing piece. The result would have been increased ROI and customer engagement with their sweetly scented brand-leading customers to take action!


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